After a couple of months struggeling with ARK content and filled the gap with Conan Exiles, we are – finally – going back to ARK with a brand new season! Main mod will be Ark Omega, a mature mod in development since 2021, which uses the base dinos in a dynamically system with classes en […]

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Yes! We are going back to minecraft with a brand new twitch season! This time we are playing the recent modpack FTB Skies. Packed with quests and sky villaghe exploration. Oh, and even nether sky villages ^^The start in on 23.07.2023 @08.00 CET. New this season is that the server whitelist is not only availble […]
Today i’m gonna revisit Chaos Creator in Ark! Lowered cost to interact with the gameplay. Playing on one of my favorite maps and favorite mods : Valguero and Eternal! Let the mayhem begin!
Goodmorning Community!Thuesday the 22th of February i will launch Season 2 of minecraft on our sub-servers! We will dive into RLcraft (hardcore) en will DIE A LOT! Stream will begin around 19.30 CET. I wish myself and all the subs good luck with this one ^^. In addition for me, twitch is connected to the […]
Well…… O M F G…… Nothing else to say ^^ No is do have something to say. It is -amazing- the way you are interacting with all the -mostly- destructive options, but also the great help too. Chaos Creator, is a synergy with Content Creation, and the interaction is brilliant. 15 episodes now, my base […]
Season 9 start on the 6th of March 2021. We are headed back to the Island. Modified on settings and rates for easy going gameplay. The maps has some extra horse varations and sea-horses. BUT…. CHOAS CREATOR! You can influance my gameplay by hurting me or helping me by using bits. I can not even […]
This Saturday, 31.10.2020 around the clock of 18.00 CEST we will begin our 8th adventure on ARK. It’s origins lie in a server i brought up for a hardware test, so why not some ridiculous levels and Primal fear? It turned out, we loved playing this test, so naturally it ‘evolved’ (get it? :P) into […]
For the 5th week in a row now i am struggling with a continuous headache. This will, from time to time prevent me from streaming unfortunally. I want to keep it up as much as possible though, and i learned that keeping my room as dark as possible helps. So for now, and as for […]
As you all probably know, christal isles was delayed until 11.06.2020 We will keep up with the news, but is its the only delay, we’ll start 13.06.2020 @ 20.00 CEST. We’re excited to start with the new setup and hope we’ll see you coming Saturday!
Starting 06.06.2020 @ 20.00 CEST Sub server cluster around Crystal Isles and Eternal. Cluster has permanent running Crystal Isles, Extinction. 1 clusterserver will switch over time from The island > Abberation > Genesis for Character ascensions!